Hoya 72mm HMC Screw-in
Filter - Red: Features: Hoya 72mm HMC
Screw-in Filter - Red Specifications: Hoya 72mm
HMC Screw-in Filter - Red Kit Contents
Hoya 72mm HMC Screw-in Filter is a lightweight and thin filter that is
especially effective for increasing contrast in black and white photography. It
is ideal for creating dramatic effects in landscapes, where blue skies are
darkened to almost black and white clouds stand out very strongly. These popular
filters are renowned for their ability to minimize reflection at the filter
surfaces that reduces flare and ghosting. The result is an average light
transmission of over 97%, giving sharp contrast and well balanced colour. This
filter is recommended for enhancing the performance of today's multi-coated
Hoya 72mm HMC Screw-in Filter - Red
User Operating / Instructions ManualFor more information about, Hoya 72mm HMC Screw-in Filter - Red website.
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