Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1
Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope: Features: Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1 Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope Specification: Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1 Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope Kit Content: Package information Box1:
Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1 Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope offers a classic
two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractor telescope of very good quality, and
makes an excellent choice for the more serious novice astronomer. It will
provide memorable views of the Moon, Stars, Star Cluster, Bright Planets,
Nebulae and Galaxies. It is supplied with the EQ1 equatorial mount, which when
polar aligned, will allow you to easily track objects as they move across the
night sky via its slow motion control cables. With the long 900mm focal length
this instrument is ideal suited to high magnification observing with very well
corrected optics.
Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1 Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope
10mm & 25mm Eyepieces
X2 Barlow Lens
User Operating Instructions Manual
Manufacturers WarrantyFor more information about, Skywatcher Capricorn-70 EQ1 Equatorial Refractor 70mm Telescope website.
Gross Weight: 12.2 Kg
Dimensions: 110 x 32 x 25 cm