Skywatcher Mercury-607 (AZ)
Achromatic Refractor Telescope: Features: Skywatcher Mercury-607 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope Specifications: Skywatcher Mercury-607 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope Kit Content: Package information Box1:
Skywatcher Mercury-607 (AZ) Achromatic Refractor Telescope allows the younger
user to take their first steps into the fascinating world of astronomy. Although
similar to many other beginner's refractor telescopes on the market, the
Mercury-607 is supplied with superior 1.25" eyepieces and accessories (not 0.96"
or hybrid 1.25") and moreover, the eyepieces have been specially selected to
give a much more useful and practical range of magnifications to enhance your
viewing experience. The telescope can be freely moved in both horizontal and
vertical axes and is equipped with a micro-adjustment elevation control. It is
suitable to view the Moon, stars and bright planets as well as for daytime
terrestrial observations.
Skywatcher Mercury-607 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope
Manufactured Warranty
User GuideFor more information about, Skywatcher Mercury-607 (AZ) Achromatic Refractor Telescope website.
Gross Weight: 3.9 Kg
Dimensions: 96 x 26.5 x 15.5 cm