Skywatcher Mercury-707 (AZ)
Achromatic Refractor Telescope: Features: Skywatcher Mercury-707 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope Specifications: Skywatcher Mercury-707 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope Kit Content: Package information Box1:
Skywatcher Mercury-707 (AZ) Achromatic Refractor Telescope feature larger 70mm
multi-coated objective lens, and will provide more rewarding views of the Moon,
stars, bright planets and other night sky objects. The telescope can be freely
moved in both horizontal and vertical axes and is equipped with a
micro-adjustment elevation control. It is supplied with eyepieces that provide a
good spread of magnifications to suit all types of astronomical objects and this
model has 36% more light gathering ability than 60mm Telescopes. It is complete
with a fully adjustable tripod that is easy to use and setup. This has a
finderscope that is an essential accessory for astronomical observations and
designed for accurate and fast objects positioning.
Skywatcher Mercury-707 AZ Achromatic Refractor Telescope
Manufactured Warranty
User GuideFor more information about, Skywatcher Mercury-707 (AZ) Achromatic Refractor Telescope website.
Gross Weight: 6.8 Kg
Dimensions: 99 x 32 x 27 cm